quinta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2010

I International Workshop on Information Architecture and Multimodality, Text and Image - September 09 and 10, 2010


September 09
08:30h. Reception/Registration
09:00h. Opening Ceremony

Panel I- GotoMeeting
09:15h. Information Architecture and Multimodalty, a dialogue (FCI/UnB)
10:00h. Prof. Kathryn Summers  (University of Baltimore/USA)
10:45h. Prof. Henning Lobin (Justus-Liebig Universität Giessen/Germany)
11:30h. The future of IA (all the speakers)

11:55h. Closing first panel
12:00h. Lunch

Panel II - ComputerWorld
14:00h. MsC. Shirley Carvalhêdo (UBalt/UnB)
14:50h. Prof. Renato Rocha Souza (FGV/RJ)
15:35h. Prof. Jorge Henrique Cabral Fernandez (FCI/UnB)
16:20h. The Future of IA (all the speakers)
16:45h. Closing second panel

September 10

Panel III - AbsolutyBeginners
09:15h. Graduate Students
10:00h. Graduate Students
10:45h. Graduate Students
11:30h. The future of IA (all the speakers)
11:55h. Closing first panel
12:00h. Lunch

Panel IV - WhatweLearned
14:00h. Prof. Adriana Silva (UFV)
14:50h. (a definir)
15:35h. Prof. André Ancona Lopez (FCI/UnB)
16:20h. The Future of IA (all the speakers)
16:45h. Closing fourth panel and the event

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